Men with fewer than 2 children
You may regret it. Men who have vasectomies when they are in their 20's, especially if they have had fewer than 2 children, may be the ones most likely to seek vasectomy reversal at a later date, often regretting their vasectomy decisions if their reversals are not successful.
Women may change their minds. Similarly, women who have no desire for children when they are in their early 20's may have a much stronger desire when they are in their 30's and when many of their friends are having children of their own.
You may change your mind. Many men who think they will never want children when they are in their early 20's are delighted with fatherhood when they are in their 30's. You may be totally convinced now that you will never want children, but people change and you may have a much different outlook 10 years from now.
Relationships end. You may not be with the same partner ten years from now and a new partner may have a much stronger desire for children than your present partner does. Just because your present partner claims that they will never want children, their decision may change 10 years from now, or they may not be your partner in 10 years.
If you are less than 30 years old and you have had fewer than 2 children, please consider the following points before having a vasectomy:
Vasectomy should be considered a permanent and non-reversible procedure because vasectomy reversals are not always successful. Before having a vasectomy, know all of your options.
Have you discussed your decision with your parents? If not, consider this: You're an adult, yes, but they helped you get there. How would you feel if your son came home one day and said that he had had a vasectomy? That he had done something to limit his future potential (to be a father) and to limit your own potential (to be a grandparent). Having a vasectomy is still your decision, but at least you granted them the respect of letting them render an opinion. And if they succeed in discouraging you, because they know you better than any doctor does, you may one day thank them. If they don't succeed in discouraging you, they may split with you the cost of sperm storage and feel much better about your vasectomy in doing so.